SLAP IS provides data on the investments at the local level in the two key pillars of sustainable development (environment and economy). It supports bottom up approach with demand driven projects coming from municipal interest, based on the municipal development plans and priorities. Through this system, local-self government units are invited to adequately present their priority projects in area of infrastructure for available funding through EU grants or other resources.

PROJECTS in SLAP IS are organized in two sectors:

1. Economic infrastructure – to stimulate economic growth and business activities (industrial zones, technological and industrial parks, logistics centers, business incubators, tourism, etc.);

2. Environmental infrastructure – to improve quality of the environment in municipalities, cities and their surroundings, as well as health of the environment of the community (water supply, waste water, solid waste management, remediation etc.).

SLAP is developed:

  • to accelerate development of public municipal infrastructure  (vibrant and competitive Serbia, EU accession);
  • to document and prioritize projects at the local, regional and national level (scarce national financial resources, access to EU and donors grants & loans);
  • to coordinate  resources allocation at the governmental level (balancing economic, environmental and social investment).

The main objectives of SLAP are:

  • to present a continuous and sustainable project pipeline of local infrastructure projects as a part of policy documents;
  • to be positioned as a nation-wide database of municipal infrastructure projects, regularly used by national and local stakeholders;
  • to improve coordination and cooperation between central-level institutions and local-self-government units in planning, preparing and funding strategic priorities in infrastructure.

The expected results are:

  1. SLAP IS used as a transparent tool for  planning (municipal, regional and national strategies),reporting  and funding of local infrastructure projects  for achieving aid effectiveness and for strengthening of a sector-based approach (planning, implementation).
  2. Increased capacities of LSG’s for the use of SLAP IS and planning, preparing and implementing of infrastructure projects.
  3. SLAP IS includes modalities for monitoring of implementation of local infrastructure projects related to local development.
  4. To increase visibility of SLAP IS as a transparent tool for pre-selection of infrastructure projects to be financed from international and national funds.