Training for newly appointed SLAP Coordinators

Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, supported by the EU funded “Exchange 3″ Programme,  organized a training for newly appointed SLAP Coordinators on Monday, 24th of December 2012, in Hotel “M” in Belgrade. Around 30 SLAP coordinators from cities and municipalities throughout Serbia participated in the event, together with representatives of the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection, Directorate for Waters and Municipal Infrastructure Support Programme.

Present SLAP coordinators were informed about basics of SLAP information system, it’s purpose and key elements. Sectoral questionnaires for registering projects were presented and instructions provided on best practices in organizing (inter)municipal cooperation in identifying and registering projects, as well as where all the various documents and information could be found by SLAP coordinators. Representatives of the Ministry and the Directorate for Waters presented ways in which these institutions use SLAP for identification and selection of projects, as well as main principles and framework for project development in area of Environmental Protection. Instructions were also given regarding project cycle management, key points of project development and previous experiences in formulating and developing projects. City of Pozarevac shared their experiences in using SLAP database, and suggested methods for organizing effective project identification and development system within and between municipalities.

Presentations from the training can be downloaded HERE (in Serbian).